The night prayer is one of the great acts of worship that brings the servant closer to his Lord, and it is spending part of the night or most of it in the worship of God Almighty, such as remembrance, prayer, reading the Qur’an and supplication, and it is one of the acts of worship that God Almighty exalted in the Holy Qur’an, and he praised those who do it, as he says Almighty in the decisive download:Their sides forsake their beds, they call on their Lord in fear and hope, and they spend out of what We have provided them * so no soul knows what There is for them the comfort of their eyes as a reward for what they used to do.” And the Prophet - upon him be peace and blessings - and the Companions after him used to pray at night always and increase the number of night prayers, and in this The application will mention how to pray the night prayer, its virtues, and everything related to it